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Introducing Zora Europe

We are excited to announce our first office in Europe and we’re releasing a Dental AI custom model optimized for GDPR and other European regulations

We're excited to expand into the European Union, establishing our presence in Vienna, Austria, where rigorous EU compliance and a strong tradition of innovation create a prime setting for dental advancements. We believe AI will revolutionize dental practices across Europe by boosting creativity, enhancing efficiency, and ensuring compliance, thereby delivering substantial benefits to both established and emerging dental markets.

"We are thrilled to establish operations in Vienna, Austria, a hub where EU regulatory rigor and innovation converge, ideal for advancing dental technology. We believe AI will revolutionize European dental practices by increasing creativity and efficiency while ensuring compliance, thereby bringing significant advancements to both traditional and newly evolving dental sectors across the continent."

Sasha Trifkovic, CEO of Zora Healthcare

To effectively manage our expansion into the European Union, we have onboarded a dedicated local team based in Vienna, Austria. This team is comprised of specialists in regulatory compliance, market strategy, and technology integration, ensuring that we seamlessly adapt to the European market. As an initial step, we are offering a select number of dental offices across Europe early access to our enhanced AI platform. This latest version boasts superior capabilities in data handling, predictive analytics, and user interface design, offering significant improvements over previous iterations. This deployment is intended to set the groundwork for broader application and deeper integration of our advanced dental AI technologies across Europe.

Enhancing the German version of our Dental AI

Our local team in Vienna strengthens our connections with leading European dental practices and institutions that are incorporating our advanced AI solutions to streamline operations, enhance data analytics, and improve patient management systems. Additionally, our AI is supporting regional governments by enhancing public health service efficiency, mirroring the success seen in other sectors. As we expand globally, we are committed to adapting our AI solutions to meet local needs, fostering a diverse range of perspectives that are crucial for our mission to advance dental healthcare worldwide. If you are interested in contributing to our efforts, please visit our Careers page for available opportunities.

Zora Europe - Deutsch

Zora hat seine europäische Präsenz verstärkt durch die Eröffnung eines neuen Büros in Wien, Österreich. Wir haben ein lokales Team zusammengestellt, bestehend aus Fachleuten für regulatorische Compliance, Marktentwicklung und Technologieintegration, um unsere Expansion in Europa zu unterstützen. Dieses Team wird eng mit europäischen Zahnarztpraxen zusammenarbeiten, um maßgeschneiderte AI-Lösungen anzubieten, die auf die spezifischen Bedürfnisse im europäischen Gesundheitsmarkt zugeschnitten sind.

Als ersten Schritt bieten wir einer ausgewählten Anzahl von Zahnarztpraxen in ganz Europa frühen Zugang zu unserer neuesten AI-Version an. Diese fortschrittliche Version unserer Dental-AI ist leistungsfähiger als frühere Modelle und bietet verbesserte Fähigkeiten in der Datenverarbeitung und Analyse, die die Effizienz und Effektivität der zahnärztlichen Behandlungen steigern sollen. Diese Bemühungen spiegeln unser Engagement wider, innovative Technologien zu nutzen, um die Zahnmedizin in Europa zu revolutionieren und zu verbessern.



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