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Zora Charter

Our Charter describes the principles we use to execute on Zora’s mission.

This Charter reflects the strategic direction and principles that Zora has developed over its formation, incorporating insights from both internal stakeholders and industry experts. As we move forward, this Charter will guide our efforts to harness artificial intelligence in the dental industry, ensuring that our innovations benefit all stakeholders.
Zora is dedicated to revolutionizing dental healthcare by integrating advanced AI technologies. Our aim is not only to enhance the efficiency of dental practices but also to ensure that these advancements are accessible and beneficial to the entire dental community.

Broadly distributed benefits

Zora pledges to democratize access to AI advancements in dentistry, ensuring these technologies enhance practices across all demographics without contributing to inequality. We will advocate for regulations and policies that prevent misuse and promote fair usage across the entire dental industry.

Long-term safety

We are committed to ethical standards that prioritize patient safety above all. This includes rigorous testing and validation of AI technologies before deployment, adherence to medical privacy laws, and transparency in AI decision-making processes to maintain trust and integrity.

Technical leadership

Zora will continuously push the boundaries of what's possible in dental technology through sustained research and development. We aim to pioneer solutions that not only solve current challenges but also foresee and tackle future issues, ensuring our leadership in the dental AI space.

Cooperative orientation

Recognizing the complexity of global health challenges, Zora seeks to build and maintain strategic partnerships with academic institutions, industry peers, and policymakers. Together, we aim to cultivate a collaborative ecosystem that accelerates innovation and maximizes the positive impact of AI on dental care worldwide.

Adaptability to Future Needs

We pledge to remain agile and responsive to the changing landscape of healthcare technology. By fostering a culture of continuous learning and adaptation, Zora will evolve its strategies and technologies to meet emerging needs and opportunities, ensuring long-term sustainability and relevance in the dental industry.

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